
Archive for November, 2007


Dear Steve Perry,

In the 80’s you were in one of the most popular bands of the time…Journey. I was just entering Junior High School when I heard the album Infinity. I was hooked and from that point on a dedicated fan. The years took there toll on you, with concerts, a serious relationship ending, drugs and your mother dying. You came out with 2 solo albums while still with the band, Street Talk and For The Love of Strange Medicine. These were distinctly different from the work you did with Journey and showed that you have got chops. In the mid 90’s, after Journey hadn’t had an album out in quite some time, you and the band released Trial By Fire. When You Love a Woman was nominated for a Grammy, and the band was anxious to hit the road. You went on a vacation and I am to guess when you came back Journey would hit the road but this didn’t happen because you fell while hiking and injured your hip. You needed surgery and recovery and ths takes time but the band wasn’t willing to wait (well this is what I have been told), and they hired a new singer and went on the road, leaving you behind. You are a talented artist who can sing rock and roll, love ballads and a hell of a blues singer, but rumor has it that you will never sing again. I have heard you in 2 interviews where you said something similar to, Well See, it might not be the end of hearing about Steve Perry but you have yet to record an album. I know you produce and have been the force behind the Journey greatest hits DVD’s and CD’s but do you want to be remembered as the Cheesy singer from the 80’s or the Mullet guy? Entertainment Weekly just realesed The Ultimate Cheesy Ballad Playlist and there you are right at the top. I disagree that Don’t Stop Believin is cheesy but they think it is. I know I am not the only one who feels this way. When I hear you sing, I am overjoyed and your voice at times is like angels singing. I hope someone, in some way will get this blog to you and you will wake up and get in that recording studio…NOW.

Here is the full story on ew.com

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This story cracks me up. A potheads dream. I can’t help but wonder who threw this out and why? Were they fleeing a crime scene and didn’t want to get pulled over? Was it like in a comedy, some high school kids going to a party with there bags of weed, they hear a police siren and are scared, they pull over, and throw the bags in the brush, and start to drive off, only to realize the police are on the other side of the highway. Or did the bags just fly out of a pick up truck and some stoned person out there is saying dude, I don’t know what happened, one minute they were there and now they are gone, like what happened? All kidding aside, someone lost some serious money if they were going to sell this or someone’s party needed much less munchies.

Here is the story from Yahoonews.com

Dude,didn’t we have 60 lbs of Pot?

TAMPA, Fla. – The Florida Highway Patrol says anyone missing two big bags of pot can call their Tampa area office. A crew picking up litter from along Interstate 4 near Tuesday morning made an unusual find: two big plastic garbage bags stuffed with freshly harvested marijuana.

FHP Trooper Larry Coggins says the 60 pounds of pot might be worth around $54,000 on the street. It probably fell off or was thrown from a car on the interstate.

The plants appeared freshly picked and some had intact roots.

Coggins says it’s not the largest amount of pot ever dumped along a roadside, but it’s certainly not a common find.

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You would think that after Princess Diana died that the Paparazzi would ease up on celebraties but it seems to just be getting worse. With photographers surrounding celebraties cars, blocking them in at stop lights and coming straight up to their windows. This to me is extremely evasive and rude. Recently the reporters were surrounding Britney Spears car so much she couldn’t get out and accidently ran over a photographers foot. Apparantely they don’t care about breaking laws either. Would be great to see one of these Paparazzi get ticketed by the police in the midst of there chasing celebraties and not obeying traffic laws but this hasn’t happened yet. Will it have to take someone dying or getting injured to stop them?

George Clooney is not afraid to speak his mind to the TMZ reporters chasing after his motorcycle. I think this is great that he isn’t afraid to let them know he doesn’t appreciate it.

Watch the video here


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Each year Christmas commercials start earlier and earlier. This year they started in the beginning of October. I couldn’t believe it. It was August and the department stores already had Christmas ornaments and such for sale. I am not anti-Christmas but I have begun to wonder what are we really celebrating and why? Christianity tells us it is about the birth of Christ. When I was a child I was told that the reason we bought gifts for others is because God gave us his greatest gift, his son and we give gifts to others to symbolize this. Then as I got older and started to learn more, I was told Christ wasn’t even born in December, he was born in the summertime and the whole reason we have it at Christmas time is because it goes well with winter solistice and the whole winter theme. Either way, (whether Christ was or wasn’t born in December), I find myself wondering what is all this gift buying all about. I like celebrating, it is fun, I like getting together with those I care about and laughing and being with them but does this have to be the only day we get gifts for those we love. Why not have a random day in the year where we just buy someone something and give it to them to tell them hey I appreciate you and love who you are.
Adbusters started a campaign in 1992, The Buy Nothing Christmas Day. This has got me thinking even more now, after seeing this commercial (see below). I personal love getting what I call home made or memory made gifts. An example of this is in 2001 my parents put together a picture collage of me from birth to that time, with little captions underneath of my life from there viewpoint. This was incredible touching to me and when I look at it, I think they put there heart and soul into this instead of just going out and buying any old thing. This I will have for the rest of my life. My father passed away in 2003 so it means even more to me now. Do we have to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to express our love and gratitude or is it enough to do something from the heart or like my friend Charlene and her husband Dave do every year, take the money they would put into gifts and they buy gifts for Toys for Tots and then they bake yummy goodies for families and friends. I am not sure if I will be able to buy Christmas gifts this year because I haven’t been working for 2 months but I’d like to think that the people who love me, love me whether I give them a gift or not.

Below is the Adbusters commercials for Buy Nothing Day and also comments from adbusters.com

Buy Nothing Christmas is not really about refusing to spend a dime over the holiday season. It’s about taking a deep breath and deciding to opt out of the hype‚ the overcrowded malls‚ and the stressful to–do lists. It’s about reminding ourselves to really think about what we are buying‚ why we are buying it‚ and whether we really need it at all.


Every christmas makes less and less sense to me. you spend money you don’t have, to buy gifts a person does not want. i have a closet full of stuff i do not want that people have bought me. yet, when i am in need of money for something, no one is to be found. it is asked, what do i buy the person who has everything, and yet, there are so many people without, and no one dares ask, what should we buy them. it’s amazing we are so willing to spend on each other, but forget those who are in need.
joshua, philly

I asked for less. I will never forget the day that I read this in adbusters asking for less. Christmas is hard for a young person to stay sane and stay reminded of the real meaning of holidays. I have felt polluted for far to long. My words of wisdom for the holidays are to be conscious of everything you do in each step you take everyday.
Cheryl Mann, Syracuse, NY

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Celebraties usually have stories written about there weight (I actually saw an article titled Angelina gains 10 lbs), about there love lives, and what they are wearing, seeing, doing, saying that is bad. So it was refreshing for me to open up In Touch Magazine and read a story about Renee Zellwelger doing something nice for a stranger. I was not able to get the story from In Touch Magazine online…but I found a similar story on Hollyscoop.com.


Note: This story doesn’t let the reader know that on average Manolo’s usually cost around $600.00 to $700.00 a pair. Would you buy a stranger shoes this expensive?

Read the story here: http://www.hollyscoop.com/renee-zellweger/renee-does-her-good-deed-of-the-day_12829.aspx

I hope you enjoy reading it.

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I have been taking pictures lately of mainly scenary. I am interested in photography but am an amatuer at this point. Interested in any ideas if these would be good to enlarge or use for stock photography. Anyone know of good photography sites and also information online about learning more about photography. Posting these for comments/feedback. Please let me know what you think…be gentle though, I bruise easily emotionally.

White Rose

Freckled Flower

Red Flower with Plants

Flower with Bee

Nostalgic Tree

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Once upon a time I had major cable television and when I did I used to watch Inside the Actors Studio. Recently James Lipton wrote a book called Inside, Inside. I saw him in an interview and it was pretty interesting and he was aske the 10 Questions he always asks his guest on Inside the Actors Studio at the end of the show. Hmm, I thought, what are my answers to this and I wonder what other people’s answers are? So here are the 10 questions (compiled by Bernard Pivot and revised by James Lipton) with my answers.


1. What is your favorite word?

“Versatile or Versatility”

2. What is your least favorite word?


3. What turns you on?


4. What turns you off?

Judgemental, you have to live your life this way type people

5. What is your favorite curse word?

“Mother Fucker”

6. What sound or noise do you love?

Walking on gravel

7. What sound or noise do you hate?

Scratching nails on a chalk board ( Iknow typical but I hate that noise, ick).

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Well I am unemployed at the moment but when I am working I am an Executive Asssistant. So Professional Painter/writer.

9. What profession would you not like to attempt?

Waitressing (I’d probably drop food all over the customers…yikes)

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Welcome, your dad has been waiting a long time to see you, come on in.

Okay, now it is your turn, I would love to hear your 10 answers…Come on have some fun.

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